Have you ever secretly wished that you could go to a place like Narnia? Or Wonderland? Or even Hogwarts?
I think I would want to go to Hogwarts. Narnia would probably be adventurous, but I'm too used to modern amenities, like toilets, to go without. Yep, spoiled, I know. Wonderland is just too weird.
Wouldn't it be fun to go to a school, a boarding school, where all you learn is magic? When I was a kid, I always thought just boarding school would be kind of fun. Not that I didn't like my home life, it was pretty great. I just thought boarding away at school would be adventurous, sort of like camp year-round. And then at a school like Hogwarts, where you get to learn magic.
Of course, there is the whole fighting-Voldemort part that wouldn't be so fun for me. I'm kind of a wimp. I think I'd be running scared and hiding if it were me facing a dark wizard like Voldemort. Then again, we face Satan's temptations every day, and he is pretty evil, so maybe I would be up to the task of fighting Lord Voldemort.
If you could go away to a magical place, where would you go?
I would definitely go to Hogwarts. I would love to do some of the fun magic they do there.
I think all the nonsense in Wonderland would drive me crazy!
This isn't magic land, but I've always wanted to visit the family and places of the Amelia Peabody series. I loved the books and would love to be a part of it.
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