Sunday, January 2, 2011

Resolutions 2011

I wrote this post last year about goals and what I'd like to accomplish in 2010. Was I successful?

I talked about being more patient with my children and spending more time with them. I think I did all right with that. I didn't really track that one, but I feel like I worked at it.

I talked about being more fit and gaining some flexibility back and also taking the vitamins in my cupboard. I was not so successful at that.

I talked about writing a book. Still something I've always wanted to do. But I didn't even put an idea down for such a thing this last year. Not so successful there.

I talked about re-learning the violin. I did accomplish that goal. I started taking lessons in January and took lessons all year until August, when I took a small break and am now on a break from it because of my pregnancy and other issues. But I feel like I learned a lot in my lessons and I even performed a few times in church.

I talked about being more spiritual, reading the scriptures and praying every day. I still struggle with that. Not very successful this year at it.

I talked about managing the family finances better, saving some money and preparing to buy another house some day. We didn't do too badly in that. We invested some money by setting up a Roth IRA that we contribute to regularly as well as opening a savings account that we are trying to contribute to regularly (though we had to already use up some of that with some end-of the-year expenses). We also were able to buy our house. Hopefully that was a good decision and not a bad one--we'll see how that turns out.

So that's a recap from my 2010 goals.

This year, I decided that I try too hard to take on too much. With baby #5 coming, I think I need to set some goals, but not try to do too much.

I like to set goals in each of these categories: spiritual, mental, physical, financial. Often I set several goals in each category, but this year, I'm going to keep it simple.

For spiritual, I realize that I still struggle with doing the basics--praying every day and reading my scriptures. I have set these goals every year for years and I can't seem to do it. So this year, I'm only going to focus on one. If I can make that a habit this year, then next year I can focus on the other. So this year, I am making it a goal to make praying, really praying, morning and night, a habit. I'm hoping this will help increase my faith and build a better personal relationship with Heavenly Father, something I feel has been lacking in my life lately.

For mental, I definitely have some things that need work. I feel I get discouraged and depressed quite easily and I don't handle life's challenges very well. Part of that can refer back to my spiritual goal of praying--I often feel quite alone in my challenges and I wonder what the point of it all is--why does everything have to be so difficult? I think I need some counseling to work through some of my anxieties, fears and even anger about certain things. So my goal in that category is to get some counseling. It's a huge leap for me to do that, I don't even know quite where to begin finding someone who can help. Or what to say to them when I'm there. But I'd like to give it a try.

In physical, well, I resolve to keep taking my thyroid pills (I have had a very hard time remembering to do it during this pregnancy) and take my vitamins regularly. I'm sure next year I will be committed to regaining some of my pre-baby body, but I don't want to focus on that as a goal for this year, since the baby won't even be born until March.

For financial, I'd like to make it a goal to keep up with the checkbook. Instead of letting receipts pile up and then having to input a whole bunch into my checkbook at once, my goal is to input the receipts the very day I spend the money. It will make keeping up with the budget much easier.

So those are my goals for 2011. I will pray every day. I will get counseling. I will remember to take my thyroid pills and my vitamins. And I will input receipts into the checkbook on the day that I spend the money. Simple enough? Manageable, I think.

I think I'm ready now to take on 2011. At least as ready as I can be.


Andrea Fowles said...

Excellent Jenna. All good, attainable goals that can seriously bless you life. Go for it! And good luck!

Tiffany Wacaser said...

Those are great goals! Good luck with them.

We have some interesting and exciting changes looming on the horizon, so I decided to plan more on a short-term basis. I made a few goals to accomplish by the end of March.

Devin & Ruthann said...

Good goals. They are all realistic and simple. I think people have a hard time accomplishing "new years resolutions" because they are not realistic and often there are too many to keep track of. You'll do great!!!


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