Have you ever had a day, a week, a month, even a year that just seemed to drag its heels? You are so busy, but time just doesn't seem to move at all?
That is how this last week was. I can't believe it's only been one week when I think about some of the things that have gone on here.
One week ago, on Sunday morning, we woke up to find little mouse poops all over the kitchen and living room. He/she (it, really, to me) was caught late Sunday night, between when I went to bed around 10:30 pm and my husband got home from work around 2 am. That was a huge relief!
It has only been one week of baseball games in the cold, rain, snow and wind for my boys. Seems like their season has dragged on forever, but the first game was Monday.
I went to Women's Conference at Brigham Young University on Thursday and Friday.
I still can't believe that it has only been one week. All these things and we only passed through one week!
One week ago, all the boys were in one room and my daughter was still in her crib. Now they are two sets of bunk beds in two rooms (my oldest boy is sharing with my 2-year-old daughter currently).
I mean, really, it's nice when time seems to slow down. The kids grow so fast, and time always seems to just speed by. But this week just dragged on and on. April didn't seem to want to end. My budget didn't like that (come on, May!--need to buy diapers but don't have the money in the budget until May starts!*).
*I did buy diapers in April, I just deducted the amount from May's budget.
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